Why do I declare this bold statement? Did I finally do a tall wall 5.6? No. Did I do a 5.9 on the slab? Nope. Did I do a 5.7 on a straight wall? Nopers! What did I do? I'll get to that. We have some catching up to do first!
Since we last spoke, I didn't do all that much (with the exception of Sunday). On Thursday, I totally punked on working out. I packed my gym clothes to do cardio at the end of my workday and just didn't have it in me. Ok. It was probably in me, but I didn't let it out. Friday and Saturday were no workout days too! This is not something that should happen. Nopenope. Not good.
But! On Sunday, Josh and I worked out together and it was my suggestion! I consider this a win. I out together a Body Rock workout for us. I really enjoy these. I think it's because they are short (12 minutes of pushing it) and varied each minute. This works for me. I downloaded an app for my wicked smart phone to beep at the end of each 50 second work session and 10 second break. (Typically during AWW we have a burnt cd with music tracks the appropriate lengths, but 1: I don't have one of my own and 2: we work out in our condo gym and both Josh and I believe it is rude to play your own loud music in that particular venue).
But I digress. I put together the following (you'll see it looks similar to the last one I made, I'm not very creative):
Biceps Curls into Shoulder Presses (10 lb DBs)
Single Leg DB Deadlifts (10 lb DBs)
Push-ups with Full Bpdy Rotation
4 Curtsee Squats, High Jump
3-Point Jump, 2 Froggers, 5 Mountain Climbers
5-5-5 Squats
My goal was to work our legs every other session to get a really good lower body workout in. Judging by my particular flavor of DOMS today, I was successful. :) I did 10 minutes on the elliptical before the workout and we did abs after. If I recall correctly it was: 30 crunches, 20 lower abs (legs straight in the air, small movement), 20 crunches, 10 straight backs, 20 crunches, 20 lower abs. No breaks in between. RAWR.
So that was yesterday. Today I was sore and tried my best to nap under my warm, fuzzy blanket in this dreary, rainy, winter-in-spring day instead of go to the climbing gym. But anyone who knows my husband knows THAT wasn't happening. So he agreed to cook dinner after climbing so I could cuddle back up. Deal. He's cooking right now. And my cuddle time is lovely.
Anyways, at the gym I did half of a tall wall 5.6--but it was straight and I have been avoiding staright walls for months. I've been slabbing it up and loving it. Next I did a 5.6 on a slab that is only slightly slabby. I hadn't done that one yet and it was good. Finally, I got crazy. I decided to do some laps on my favorite 5.7 on my favorite slab. I'd done 3 laps on other routes before, so I decided to go for 4 laps in a row. Even though it's a route I was familiar with and had done before, I wanted to go for endurance. Well, after 4 laps I still had some oomph in me, so I went again. And again. :) I did 6 laps on a 5.7 in a row. I was sweating and toward the end really needed a sip of my G2, but I was so proud. CLIMBING CHAMPION!!!!!