Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Variety is the Spice of Life/Everything's Better in a Costume

I have two different exercises topics to discuss and I could make two posts, but why?  Here they are:

1) Variety is the Spice of Life

I decided to get a very small cardio workout in today before we went rock climbing.  I headed to the condo gym to elliptical for around 20 minutes. When I got there it was empty--which I love.  The sole recumbent bike caught my eye.  The apartment has 4 treadmills, 3 ellipticals and a recumbent bike.  I thought, "Sure, why not?  Variety *is* the spice of life."  So, I did 20 minutes on the recumbent bike.  I didn't push it too hard as I knew I was climbing in another hour or so. 

I will say that I think I never actually used it correctly the entire 20 minutes.  Allow me to explain.  Perhaps a photo would help:

So, the seat.  I tried to position it so that while cycling it felt natural...whatever that means.  The thing has arm rests!  So naturally, I tried to sit back...and my bottom kept sliding forward.  It also has a place to grab in front of you, so I grabbed it...and it felt like my knees were coming really close to my chest.  I am sure it was fine.  I just focused on shifting around and trying not to hurt myself.  :)

Bikes are hard.

2) Everything's Better in  Costume

Next, we went to the climbing gym for our regular Wednesday climbing session (we climb most Mondays and Wednesdays--you know, when there aren't major hurricanes or anything).  Seeing as how it is Halloween, we went in our costumes for this year: Waldo & Wenda:

We had bought the costumes for the wicked awesome Pre-Halloween party, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we were unable to attend.  Anyways, many climbers come to the gym in costume on Halloween (so claims my husband), so we went.  There were many other people in costumes and they were great!  There was an amazing Popeye & Olive Oyl, Tinkerbell, 2 Ninjas, Alice (from Alice in Wonderland), Santa and a very clever Dorian Gray (a man dressed in grey wearing a *laminated* photo of Dory--stellar).  But I digress.

Ok, I'll digress a little longer.  When Waldo and I saw the Ninjas it was an awkward period of smiling and saying hello to each other, and, because I cannot handle awkward silently I said, "We're all just trying to blend in..." in my awkward, making a joke voice.  And they did not laugh.  I hate ninjas...

Alright, so for the climbing.  We both had GREAT climbing nights!  Josh conquered his goal for the YEAR to climb a 5.12 clean.  Yes, friends, with two months to spare.  It was all him, but I like to take credit for belaying him and yelling a very timely, "You should chalk up now!" to him.  And he did chalk up.  (I declare myself MVS: Most Valuable Supporter.)

I started with my favorite 5.6 on the slab and did it twice in a row to work on my climbing stamina.  Next I did a 5.7 on the slab that has a very tough start.  I had done it before but needed some help with the start.  This time I did it myself, clean, and did a crazy move to get past the tough part (it involved resting on the jug with my knee--I know, right?  I am amazing).  Very pleased.  Next, I did a different 5.7 on the slab that was challenging, but I didn't give up and I did it clean.  My confidence really needed a night like tonight. 

I really feel like having my eating under control makes me a better climber.  Also, the physical exercise, of course.  I just feel like being properly nourished and hydrated makes such a difference!  I must remember this in the future...  :)

Great day all around! 

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