Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Easing Into Cathe

My sister-in-law (yes, of MSILAHG fame) has a workout crush on Cathe.  As such, she has tons of DVDs and accessories (like barbell, dumbbells, medicine ball, etc) to go with them.

For those who don't know, Cathe is hard core.  She doesn't mess around.  I have wanted to try one of her workouts.  At some point.

This morning was my first morning in New Hampshire that I did not feel like working out.  I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, but it had been very nice to enjoy working out everyday.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  :)

I bumped into my sister-in-law on the way down to MSILAHG and told her that I didn't feel like working out but today was a strength day so I'd do something.  She suggested I try Cathe's Muscle Endurance.  I decided I would, but only the parts I wanted to.  I feel like something as hard core as a Cathe DVD needs to be eased into...

So, once I decided a muscle group was adequately worked, I fast-forwarded through all subsequent exercise on that muscle group.  It was quite satisfying.  :P

What I *did* do:

Weighted Step-Ups (I used a 10 lb weight plate)
Deadlifts (I started to do these, then decided I didn't want to destroy my legs before a run tomorrow so only did about half of it--still with the 10 lb weight plate I think...?)

Single Arm Bent Over Dumbbell Rows (2 5-lb dumbbells in one hand)

Bent Over Barbell Rows into Clear and Press (bar)

Barbell Biceps Curls (bar)

Dumbbell Chest Flyes (5 lb dumbbells)
Chest Squeeze Thing (sit, press palms against each other in front of your chest, hold, move out and back, etc)

The pace of the DVD was high reps, so I used extra-light weights.  I think I still got a good workout.  In the future I could probably go heavier, but am definitely going to be sore tomorrow, so I consider it a win.

Cathe did two things of note for me--one good, one bad. Let's start with the bad:

Cathe calls each rep a 'set'.  

It drove me crazy.  Now the good:

Cathe had us do halves on biceps and chest.  

What I mean by 'halves' (a term I made up, she did not use it) is that you take the bicep curl (for example) and take it up to 90 degrees (halfway) then back down.  Then you do a full curl and only lower it 90 degrees.  We did whole sets of the bottom and top halves.  Same with the chest flyes.  I don't think I have ever done this before and I really liked it.  It flavored things up and I am sure it engage the muscles differently.  Thanks, Cathe!  Maybe next time I'll try your whole workout...maybe..

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