Monday, November 19, 2012

Busy Erin Update

There's actually a lot to post, but I don't really have the time to make them interesting.  So instead, I'll phone it in with a (newly named) Busy Erin Update!

Friday: We did our Saturday run cause we knew we couldn't on Saturday.  Went very well.  :)

Saturday: Flew to NH!  Started the day out eating well.  Went for a mid-day walk with my sister, brother-in-law, nephew and husband.  Had my Italian sister-in-law bring wicked delicious dinner.  Ate.  So.  Much.

Sunday: Same sister-in-law made delicious brunch.  Diet out the window.  Bad.  So very bad.  Arrived home around 8pm and did 20 minutes of light cardio just to feel on track again.  Very happy with that decision.

Today: Healthy eating once again.  Went rock climbing, but didn't really feel up to it.  Did one climb, 10 body weight squats and 10 slow calf raises.  It's something...  :)

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