Monday, November 5, 2012

Ventured into the Real World

Today I took a sick day from work to starve myself until noon and swallow a camera.  (Check out this late breaking article from 2006 about it.)  Pill.  A camera pill. 

Science is very cool.  The entire time I wore the allegedly-discrete-but-in-reality-very-much-so-not-incognito computer purse pack thing,

I felt so very cool.  I mean, there was something inside of me, being externally powered, taking 14 color, digital photos per second (according to the website linked above) and allowing the doctor zoom in 75 times if necessary.  Very.  Cool. 

But then, when I turned the pack back in, all I could feel is that I have a piece of trash in my digestive tract just waiting to come out.  I know, I'm so deep.  :)  (I am also weirdly excited for it to pass--I mostly am curious the duration of time it is in my system.)

Anyways, I had to go on a clear liquid diet from after lunch Sunday til 12 today (with nothing allowed from midnight to 10am--not even water!!!).  I was surprised by how tired and weak I was this morning.  Not ridiculously so, but I definitely felt sluggish.  I was very happy to dig in at lunch time! 

I met Amy at Panera for lunch.  Yum.  I put all of my food into my app beforehand to make sure I was staying in the limits.  This was somewhat simpler since I did not eat until noon.  :)  It.  Was.  Delicious. 

I even had enough room for a tall nonfat gingerbread latte no whip.  Not ideal, but I'll take it.

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