Friday, November 30, 2012

I Got a Blister!

I am very excited to announce that I got a blister while running this morning!  I know, this may sound weird, but if you think about it, it means that my fitness level is back to a point where I am doing enough to get a blister.  WIN.

What was I doing?  I ran for 20 minutes.  Oooo.  It's very bizarre for me to think that less than 3 years ago I ran over 13 miles, at one time, with each under 10:00/mile.  And now jogging for 20 minutes straight is an accomplishment.  But it is.  :)  I let my fitness level slide and the build back up is important and not to be dismissed or undervalued.  :)

It feels good to be back in it.  Blisters and all.

Also, my calves hurt pretty bad, specifically my left one.  I think it may have been a not as great idea to run two days in a row (especially where I am just getting back into it), but I really wanted to run on that treadmill (in MSILAHG) and not in the New Hampshire cold (outside my mother's house), so I did it.

Every time I felt the pain in my left calf (most of the run) I did one of two things: distract myself by computing prime factorizations of even 3 digit numbers in my head or yell at my calf to "Buck up!"

These methods seemed to have worked.  (I should note that I congratulated my calf for persevering upon completion of the task--I give positive feedback too.)

On a different note, I have been going over my target calories daily but only by a few dozen which I still consider a win.  Today I was under by 837.  I have no idea how this happened.  I didn't feel like I was starving myself.  Being away from home and routine is hard.  :(

I haven't decided if tomorrow will be a rest day or a take it easy cardio day (my mom has several machines at her house, like an elliptical and a gazelle) or a strength day.  You'll just have to wait and find out!

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